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Shareholder Protection

Providing a safety net for the untimely loss of a business owner.

The unfortunate death of a business owner is very traumatic for their family as well as those connected with the business. Such an event can have a catastrophic financial effect on both dependants and business owners without shareholder protection insurance.

As specialists in business healthcare insurance, we offer shareholder protection insurances to a range of businesses.

What is shareholder protection insurance?

Shareholder protection insurance is a policy that addresses the scenario of if a business partner or shareholder dies without any provision in place and the potential fallout e.g., their share of the business passing to their estate or family wanting to buy out the shares.

Should the worst happen, the remaining partners or shareholders could use shareholder protection insurance and have the money to buy the deceased’s shares, thereby maintaining control of the business.

In return, the family of the deceased would also receive in cash their loved ones agreed value of his or her share of the business.

It may sound like a complex area of insurance but with our extensive expertise in this field, we can easily simplify the process for you and ensure that your shareholder protection insurance is set up as it should be.

Why choose us for your shareholder insurance cover?

Independent healthcare insurance brokers: With decades of experience in the industry, we can offer you advice on the best practices for getting shareholder protection insurance.

Personalised offerings: From business partners to family members of the deceased, we’ll take everything on a one-to-one level and develop a personalised insurance policy for meeting individual needs.

Partnering with the world’s leading insurers: With a network of phenomenal insurers, we’ll guarantee that we’ll find you an insurance policy that pleases all parties involved.

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